Sunday, July 19, 2009

Inspiration in Kansas.....Who Would've Guessed?

I just returned from a wedding in Wichita, Kansas. What a wonderful experience! Watching two people start their lives together.....just awesome, right? Well, that was pretty cool too, but the wedding in itself was not the reason I had such a great time. It was something else.

You know...when I met my wife, I had no idea the blessings the Lord had in store for me. I mean, I felt blessed to have the family I was born into, but I had no idea that I would marry into one equally as great. First, he blesses me with an amazing wife, so you can imagine my surprise when I discover what wonderful mother and father-in-law I inherited. So, I'm thinking, "Wow. This is awesome, but the greatness has to stop somewhere, right? Her family has got to be whack jobs or something." I was wrong. The blessing of family continued and still does to this day.

So, why did I enjoy the wedding so much you might ask? Because of all the wonderful people in my wife's family that were all brought together. So much joy emanates from this family one can't help but to feel the love. The genuineness, honesty, and humility of this family is so attractive that saying goodbye seems to be a tedious and draining task. Think about it. When we are attracted to something, we are are drawn to it. It actually takes effort to break away. I can't think of how many necks I hugged and goodbyes were exchanged today. And I'm sure that I doubled up on more than one person. Again, it is tiring saying goodbye to something so great.

So now I find myself at home feeling sad.....but the good kind of sad. The kind of sad that helps you remember that there are still things in this world that are good and pure. That there are people that love with the love of the Lord.....and they are looking forward to reuniting with you as much as you with them. In addition to my sadness, I feel inspired. God gave me exactly what I needed this weekend. Being with my wife's family inspires me to be a better person....a better Christian. It's not that I feel like I have distanced myself from God. But, we all have room to grow. I was definitely nourished this weekend. I thank God for the continuous blessings reigned down on me through marriage that began almost 10 yrs ago when I saw a beautiful 18 yr old girl sitting across from me at a college devotional. Her name was Amanda and she would soon become my wife.


  1. Came back to blogging with a bang! We feel equally as blessed to have our family, but also that you are a part of our family! Looking forward to a sporting event sometime soon. It was good to share 48 seconds with ya'll. =)

  2. We feel lucky and blessed to have you in our family, you are a real inspiration to us. Your a great father and husband, You and Amanda look as happy today as you did 10 years ago!!! Thanks for joining our family

  3. I will second those comments! I read your blessing on our tree today. It made me smile and giggle a bit. You're right...our friendship is a fortunate by-product of you marrying Amanda. I hope that me moving to Wichita will make it easier for the four of us to do stuff together. Our family is a blessing and we're glad you're part of it, too. 10 years!?! Wow! Seems like just yesterday....

  4. That is so sweet! I don't know every single family member of Amanda's but the ones I do know are really special and wonderful, godly people. I'm glad you are blessed to have them in your life. :)
