Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Blogging...I've been sucked in.

Today I learned that creating a blog is a great alternative to working out. Yes, I had great intentions today to get back on a regular work out plan....didn't happen. Instead I decided to spend 2 hours creating a blog. I realized that thi s is Satan working in my life for during these 2 hours, I didn't even manage to insert a profile picture. I spent 15 minutes deciding what font to use!!! Well, at least I haven't been tempted with food as I haven't thought about eating the entire time....well....scratch that. Satan is a sly devil.


  1. so when i called you were blogging? nice. haha
    love ya babe

  2. Welcome to the blogging world!

  3. YES! You've crossed to the dark side with the rest of us.

  4. my goodness brother.. i can hear the sarcasm in your voice.. you crack me up.. well, i would attempt to blog but i can barely keep up with my school work hahahahhaha.. i will definitley keep up on y'all though.. can't wait to see you. hope padme is doing good.. miss ya.. love ya..

    love your lil sis
